[Main components] sulfadiazine (C10H10N4O2S), trimethoprim (C14H18N4O3)
[Characteristics] This product is a white or light yellow suspension. [Pharmacological action] Sulfadiazine inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria by inhibiting the synthesis of folic acid. This product is easy to absorb, the excretion is slow, and the blood concentration is easy to reach the effective level. Sulfadiazine easily passes through the blood-brain barrier, so it can enter the cerebrospinal fluid to achieve a high drug concentration. The combination of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine can double block the folate metabolism of bacteria and significantly enhance the antibacterial effect of sulfonamide.
[Action and use] Sulfonamide antibiotics. It is used to prevent Escherichia coli and Salmonella infection in chickens; bacterial diseases caused by Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Edwardia, such as bacterial sepsis.
[Usage and dosage] Mix the drink: every 1L of water, chicken 0.2~0.4ml. For 5 to 7 days. Bait feeding: one amount, every 100kg body weight, fish 7.8~12.5ml.1-2 times a day, even for 3 to 5 days.
[Adverse reactions] No adverse reactions were seen according to the prescribed usage and dosage.
[Precautions] (1) laying hens. (2) avoid and acid drugs such as vitamin C, calcium chloride, penicillin, etc. (3) Use with caution in aquatic animals with liver and kidney diseases. (4) In order to reduce renal toxicity, it is recommended to use it together with sodium bicarbonate. (5) B vitamins and vitamin K should be supplemented when used.
[Drug withdrawal period] Chicken 1 day, fish 500 to live.
[Specification] 200ml: sulfadiazine 80g + trimethoprim 16g [Packaging] Plastic bottles, 250ml / bottle.
[Storage] Seal it up for storage.
[Production date] See the magnetic induction injection code.
[Validity period] for 2 years