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Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bursal Disease and Viral Arthritis Vaccine, Inactivated (Strain La Sota +Strain B87 +Strain S1133)

Ingredients:The vaccine contains the inactivated chicken Newcastle disease virus (La Sota strain), infectious bursal disease virus (B87 strain) and avian eutherian virus (S1133 strain). Each ml of vaccine contains at least 4.0 x 108.0 EID50 of pre-inactivated chicken Newcastle disease virus (La Sota strain) virus, 4.0 x 106.8 TCID50 of infectious bursal disease virus (B87 strain) and 4.0 x 106.2 TCID50 of avian eutherian virus (S1133 strain).

Indication:It is used to prevent Newcastle disease in chickens, infectious bursal disease in chickens and viral arthritis in chickens.

Usage and dosage:Intramuscular injection, 0.5 ml for each chicken above 4 weeks of age. In order to obtain good immunization effect, it is recommended that breeder chickens should be vaccinated twice with live avian eutherian virus vaccine at 5~7 days of age and 4~5 weeks of age respectively; basic vaccination with live chicken Newcastle disease vaccine and with live infectious bursal disease vaccine at 6~8 weeks before vaccination with this product.

Specification:(1) 250ml/bottle (2) 500ml/bottle 

Storage:Store at 2~8℃ away from light

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